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Last November 2017, Team VCS attended the Game of Marketing, the first Unconference in the Philippines. It got us thinking about how some brands can thrive in a market where “winter is coming”.

In an industry where competition is steep, strategy is key. The Game of Marketing can sometimes feel like a never-ending episode of Game of Thrones. Here are some key survival hacks that marketers can use to win battles, conquer territories, and to eventually take over the Marketing Throne.

Game of Marketing Hack #1: “Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used against you.” — Tyrion Lannister

Before you can offer your brand as a solution to your market’s needs, you should first find out what you have to offer. Zero in on your brand’s unique value proposition (UVP) and herald it on your banner. Find out what sets you apart and build your credibility and brand story around it.


Game of Marketing Hack #2: “When enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything.” — Jon Snow

The power of your story lies on two kinds of truths: the first one is the INSIGHT, or the human truth that your consumer offers. The other is the truth that you bring to the table.


Your reasons to believe or RTBs make your story relevant to your consumers. These include the things that you can do to relieve their pains, or give them gains. Latching onto these truths and using them to build your campaign will help you sway your market to your side.


Game of Marketing Hack #3: “Any man who must say ‘I am the King’ is no true king.” — Tywin Lannister

As the old storytelling technique goes, “Show, don’t tell.” Use various kinds of content to share your brand story with your customers. Pair them up with the right strategies and executions that will allow you to maximize your efforts.


Game of Marketing Hack #4: “A Lannister always pays his debts.” — Tyrion Lannister

Getting consumers to buy into your promise is only the beginning. With the market placing their trust in your brand, you now have to make sure that you stay true to your word and come through with the product benefits that only you can offer. Remember that you will lose your customers if you fail to deliver.


Game of Marketing Hack #5: “Every hurt is a lesson. And every lesson makes you better.” — Syrio Forel

It’s only through experiences that you will learn the most valuable lessons of your career. What happens if your efforts fail to deliver your desired result? You find out why it happened. You build on it. And most importantly, you learn from it.


To recap, here are the 5 Game of Thrones-inspired survival hacks that will help you win the marketing throne:

1. Find your unique value proposition and use it as the foundation for all your efforts.

2. Know your truths. Build your campaign using powerful consumer insights and your brand’s reason to believe.

3. Show, don’t tell. Use the right kind of content that best sends your message.

4. Deliver what you promised. Come through with your product benefits.

5. Learn from experience. Don’t be afraid to pivot and adjust if necessary.

These learnings are applicable to almost anything that we do as marketers. And when you strike, they will help you take on the World of Marketing, one battle at a time.

Vitamins by VCS is a series of vlogs/blogs that provide tips and hacks for growing a business and creating content for your brand. You can watch the full series by following us on Youtube (youtube.com/vitalstrats) or visiting our IG TV channel (instagram.com/vitalstrats).


Vitalstrats Creative Solutions (VCS) is a creative agency based in Quezon City, Philippines. VCS specializes in content marketing, advertising, and video production. We use strategic creativity to help our clients grow their brands.

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/Vitalstrats
Agency Reel: http://bit.ly/VCSReel2019

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